Bonnie the elf and Lizette the human!As their home world is starting to fall apart, their society is going to be depending on them to become Collection Agents.
Working together in order to save their homeworld, they have to travel to other universes and collect essence and bring it back home to Tocrax in order to prevent it from literally falling apart.
Along the way they will counter a lot of difficult challenges and... characters.

New page every Friday! :>

Character Index



There are so many new species being discovered every year on Tocrax, both strange and poisonous. Most are either helpful in making magical substances or are just ...really fun!


Both small and big animals have their purpose on this floating rock in space, it is rare to find new species in the fauna category.

Below you will find links to all my social medias and where to support me If you want

Frequently Asked Questions:Q: What drawing software do you use?
A: Paint Tool Sai 2, I try to use Clip Studio as well every now and then.
Q: What kind of drawing tablet are you using?
A: XP-PEN Artist15.6 Pro
Q: How long have you been drawing?
A: As long as I can remember.
Q: Do you poop?
A: Yes!




This ancient city is probably the oldest of them all, here you will find temples of the ancients that still worship the one true god.The Dragon.He shall come down and purge these lands from their impurities... or at least he should've done so roughly 3100 years ago. He never did show up, but many still believe that he one day will.Until he does; the farmers of Ulgar are flourishing. You will find exotic fruit farms here along with truffles that only the Buhi can dig out.Pretty good vacation spot to get a nice tan and watch orcs walk around half naked while serving your drinks and fruits dipped in honey.


The most technically advanced city on all of Tocrax, Lova brings your the promises of a greater future and was the first city to be built by combining both magic and science.It is seperated into three districts:1. Typicals Ring:
Lower Class to middle class area, the outer ring of the city where most people struggle to survive, a lot of black market business going on here.
2.Regular Ring:
Middle class area, everything from family homes to super markets.
3. Distinction Ring:
Upper class to middle class aread, sky scrapers everywhere and most agencies are owned by elves.
Once you've gotten into the city life here, it is difficult to leave.




You'll be lucky if you ever set a foot in this valley, more so if you manage to get out alive.
Cogvale's habitants mostly consists of Goblins and Orcs, no elves or humans can be found here.
Well, not legally anyways.
It is well protected with it's highly built walls around circling around the mountain area, with only one entrance to into the city.What you'll be able to see from outside is smoke rising and loud machinery can be heard from miles away. Nobody is really sure what's going on in there, the few merchants that are allowed in have told tales of goblins being vile and horny creatures.However some speculate that it is only a facade, as the ones making the decisions in that place are the small goblins while the bigger and stronger orcs are doing the heavy labour.
Some say there is a big mine in there where a faint sound of something big snoring can be heard from time to time.
Oh well, those are just rumours I suppose...


You'll be lucky if you ever set a foot in this valley, more so if you manage to get out alive.
Cogvale's habitants mostly consists of Goblins and Orcs, no elves or humans can be found here.
Well, not legally anyways.
It is well protected with it's highly built walls around circling around the mountain area, with only one entrance to into the city.What you'll be able to see from outside is smoke rising and loud machinery can be heard from miles away. Nobody is really sure what's going on in there, the few merchants that are allowed in have told tales of goblins being vile and horny creatures.However some speculate that it is only a facade, as the ones making the decisions in that place are the small goblins while the bigger and stronger orcs are doing the heavy labour.
Some say there is a big mine in there where a faint sound of something big snoring can be heard from time to time.
Oh well, those are just rumour I suppose...


A very popular tourist city, mighty structures built in dark wood can be found here along with rivers flowing through the city streets.
Isu is considered a very traditional city with a lot of good food to be found at every corner as most ingredients are grown locally.
Elves are encouraged to use magic to transform their bodies in order to feel more comfortable and to show appreciation towards their own Gods.Orcs are taught how to connect with their empath abilities here at one of the local temples.Humans learn to build their own structures without technology, but instead using the tools that their ancestors used.Everyone living here is trying to stay true to their traditions while also having respect for one another, while also working together to make a nice home for everyone.It is widely popular to worship the dragonborns in Isu, as there are four festivals dedicated to all four of them.
Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn festivals are held every year, and if you're lucky you might even see one of them show up at their own dedicated festival!


Orcs are empathsWhile it's a difficult ability to train for sure, they have somewhat mastered it over the centuries.
Although it must be awakened with a lot of pratice, some choose not to learn this ability as it can be quite overwhelming.
Having had a rough time over the decades to get along with their fellow civilians due to misunderstandings, they have developed a great sense of being able to tell when someone is lying.This has led to them being favoured in the police force as well as the lawyers department.Overall very peaceful creatures that has a stronge urge to reconnect with nature and to nurture it. If an orc has mastered their empathic ability; They are capable to feel even what the tiniest of weeds feel.When Tocrax was starting to fall apart; they were the first ones to notice and warned the goverment.


Elves are the only known creatures whom can create and control magic.They are born with the talent, but it takes years of practice to perfect it. Although it seems like a great thing to have, unfortunately they lose parts of their life span when using it.Some refrain from using it altogether and others thrive in it, those that use it recklessly have been known to die unexpected deaths.They are also capable of changing their own appearances over a long period of time, this is the lightest type of magic that they can use.Elves have been known to live up to 800 years, this has decreased over the years however due to their recklessness.The oldest elves on Tocrax are known to reside in Thylanass only.


Humas are ahead of the curve when it comes to developing advanced technology.They strive towards better living and working conditions for everyone at Tocrax, however given the recent news that the place is falling apart; They are looking for a better solution.As most humans are easily influenced, they are also very easily corrupted by greed.
Elves having magic, Orcs being empaths, Goblins being fast at everything;
Humans easily feel inferior.
However they are really good at one thing which the others lack in completely;Politics.As most of the other species have an easier time to disagree over everything and nothing, humans are capable of seeing things from other perspectives and can make good changes happen in society. They often take it upon themselves to become the middle man and were the first to open up trade routes between cities.Elves, Orcs and even Goblins have come to respect this greatly over the years.


There are only 4 dragonborns known to be left on Tocrax.
Mating with other species is something they have attempted but always failed at over the years. All of them seem to be infertile.
They are looked upon as holy creatures on Tocrax. Being allowed to walk, sleep, drink all over the place without anyone questioning it or disturbing them. Each one of them being celebrated for each of the four seasons too!While extremely rare, they are also the oldest known living creatures on Tocrax. Nobody really knows how old they are, even though multiple have tried to communicate with them to gain more information about their past. Most end up with more questions then answers in the end.There used to be more of them, as such is written in ancient texts about the history of this world. However the dragonborn only mention very vague things when being asked about their ancestors.The answers people most likely get are: " I don't remember. " or give different answers depending on which dragonborn you speak with.Very mysterious creatures...


They are often hostile towards other species but not completely unreasonable.As often as they tend to hate others, they will never turn away a good bargain in exchange for treasures.They are rarely seen anywhere outside of Cogvale unless they are doing business with the major cities.